Tag Archives: roadtrip

Twenty Ten – Year of the Nomad

Twenty Ten – Year of the Nomad

Some ancient cultures say it’s the Year of the Tiger. Contemporaries claim that it’s anything from Year of the Girl Guide to Year of the Zombie Cloud. And then there’s Year of Biodiversity, Year of the Rapprochement of Cultures, Year of the Seafarer, Year of the Android, Year of the Softie – the list goes on. But I say it’s Year of the Nomad – whether here in Melbourne or on the road, a nomadic existence is on the  cards for Twenty Ten.

I encourage you all to try it: start simply – sleep on the couch for the night (probably done that a few times before due to alcohol or relationship ‘issues’) and then get more creative (a tent in the loungeroom, backyard) until you ultimately strike out for more distant lands – in your car, under the stars, couchsurfing, housesitting, etc. There’s a project in it – and I’m working on it. Thus far I’ve had three different abodes for 2010 with a forth lined up for Mar/Apr. Then, over the winter months it’ll probably transform into a road-trip-based nomadism in the Australian central deserts. After that, who knows. Stay Tuned.